together, we can make things better
I'd like to see new structures and institutions with a make-computers-better perspective. I’d like to see more diverse types of institutions to work on technology progress. Even a simple job board themed this way could be a start
Read together, we can make things better by Adam Wiggins
Newsletters; or, an enormous rant about writing on the web that doesn’t really go anywhere and that’s okay with me
The problem with the web is that when you publish something it just sort of disappears from sight. Writers have to spam all the social networks to remind people that they even exist.
This has been called the original sin of the internet. Since you can’t pay someone directly through the browser, the thinking goes, then all these other hacks pop up to squeeze money out of folks; invasive and ugly advertising, privacy-breaking data collection, etc.
Read Newsletter by Robin Redle
The Rock-Star Appeal of Modern Monetary Theory
Conventional wisdom holds that the government taxes individuals and companies in order to fund its own spending. But the government—which is ultimately the source of all dollars, taxed or untaxed—pays or spends first and taxes later. When it funds programs, it literally spends money into existence, injecting cash into the economy. Taxes exist in order to control inflation by reducing the money supply, and to ensure that dollars, as the only currency accepted for tax payments, remain in demand
Read The Rock-Star Appeal of Modern Monetary Theory in The Nation
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PS: You can buy me a coffee in the ko-fi. Try Refind.